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Analysis of Credit Impact

CEO is excited to release Small Dollars, Big Impact: New Americans Building Credit, an analysis of credit scores for clients participating in CEO’s integrated financial capability program + loan model. 

This report explores the credit-building outcomes for CEO’s borrowers. We appreciate the support of Wells Fargo for funding this study, and the work of Credit Builders Alliance to verify the data within it. The positive results from this report would not be possible without the financial education taking place at each of our community-based partner organizations.

There are lessons to be learned from this report for policymakers, financial institutions, funders, community-based organizations, researchers, borrowers, and more. Some compelling findings include:

  • 98% of borrowers who started without a FICO score established a score in as little as 6 months of repayment.
  • 66% established at least a prime (660 or higher) score. 
  • Interviews and quotes from 20 CEO borrowers about their experiences, positive and negative, with the credit system in the United States.

You can access and download the full report here or by clicking the cover photo below. If you have any questions or feedback on the report, or would like to learn more about CEO, please contact our team via